Boat Cruise In Lake Mburo National Park

Boat Cruise in Lake Mburo National Park

Activity In Lake Mburo National Park

The driving distance from Kampala/ Entebbe to Bwindi of the mountain gorilla in southwestern Uganda is quite tiring and takes about 9-10 hours to get to the park, but you can make it more enjoyable by breaking the journey equally between Entebbe International Airport and Bwindi with a visit to lake Mburo national park.
There are number of activities to do while in the park, a boat cruise safari at Lake Mburo is one not to miss, with a quiet and peaceful night in Uganda’s finest national parks.
Lake Mburo National Park, is a gate way to all the national park in Uganda, the park is the smallest of all the national parks and the only park with the highest concentration of Zebras, Impalas and giant bush rats. This underrated gem is dominated by five lakes (Lake Mburo is the largest), wetlands, an undulating landscape, open savannah, and acacia woodland. The park can be visited before or after gorilla trekking in Bwindi national park or any other national parks including; Murchison falls, queen Elizabeth, Kibale national parks among others.
The park offers a number of activities and most fascinating is a 2-hour boat cruise on Lake Mburo and come close to touching the big and small wild animals, the waters boost with the highest concentration of hippos, Buffalo and a great species of waterbirds seen on the shores and prehistoric shoebill is hard to miss.
Although the boat cruise safari is one of the activities at Lake Mburo National Park that gets special attention, tourists can enjoy more of the park’s thrills with a walking adventure or slide onto horseback and get closer to the animals than you would expect.

The Lake Mburo Boat Cruise

A boat cruise on Lake Mburo regularly lanches from the Rwonnyo jetty at 08:00 and lasts for two-hours along the eastern banks of Lake Mburo. In addition to the charming scenery and simple pleasures of floating in a boat surrounded by wild animals, the launch trip provides good sightings of hippo, crocodile, buffalo, waterbuck, bushbuck, and otter among others.
Among the more conspicuous waterbirds birdwatchers may also catch glimpse of the African fish eagle, shoebill stork, pied kingfisher, and various egrets, herons, Ross’s turaco, Narina trogon, and the elusive African finfoot.
Lake Mburo national park, is the only park in Uganda where you can view savannah wildlife animals on foot. You are led by an armed ranger guide through long-established trails and the path created by the animals where you will see impala, zebra, and eland dispersed herds. The park is the best choice to the travellers who would want to do walking safari, because lions and elephants which can attack and scare people. The small animals may not scare you as much as the big ones in other national parks like Murchison falls and Queen Elizabeth national parks among others.
How much is the boat cruise on Lake Mburo?
Prices are subject on capacity therefore, a tw0 hour boat cruise on Lake Mburo in a small boat of 4-8 people capacity costs about $20 per person for foreigners and 30,000 Uganda Shillings per person for nationals. And a bigger boat cost about $30 per person

Additional activities besides boat cruise

In addition to a boat cruise on Lake Mburo, you can explore the various attraction in the park through a game drive, horseback safari, biking safari, and most exciting of them, the guided walking safari. Lake Mburo National Park’s uniqueness allows you to enjoy wildlife viewing without missing the big savannah game players.
Game Drive
Game viewing at Lake Mburo may not match the other big safari parks, but the park’s slow pace and small size make for a moderately rewarding private safari game drive. The park is small enough for a game drive to find some of the common animals among the 68 mammal species present in the park, including zebra, impala, topi, eland, bushbuck, buffalo, warthog, leopard, hyena, and jackal.
Although the quality of game viewing along the park’s popular tracks is irregular, particularly during the wet season, tourists can view substantial concentrations of impala, zebra, waterbuck, topi, and buffalo within a 4-km radius.
A short game drive on Lake Mburo National Park’s savannah plains is a worthy addition to a boat cruise on Lake Mburo. And even most captivating during the evening drive, night game drives that bring you closer to the night hunters like the elusive leopard, hyena and the nocturnal animals like the bushbabies. Guided night game drives in the park set off at 18:30 and can last for four hours.
Horseback Safari
Driving in 4×4 safari truck is one of the ways to explore the wild life in various national parks in Uganda but visiting Lake Mburo national allows to view the wild game through various activities, hop on horseback after your boat cruise and explore the savannah wild on the back of a horse and enjoy your safari this allows you to get closer to the animals. Other ungulates are more friendly to human, an armed ranger will be besides you throughout the activity in case of any danger but the chances of animal attacks are minimal.
Horseback rides usually last four hours, hailing out of the Mihingo Lodge, guided by an expert instructor, even kids can join in the fun with ponies and then later join the sundowner to watch the golden sunset with stunning views of hilltops.
Guided Walking Safari
Guided walks are a major highlight of visiting Lake Mburo and a great addition to your boat cruise.  A walking safari in Lake Mburo National Park allows you to get very close to wild animals on foot, you will be guided by ranger through the trails where you will spot animals like the impala and zebra herds.
The Rubanga Forest trail, in the south-eastern part of the park, is an exciting walk for nature lovers and, particularly, birders. Other rewarding walking trails in the park include the salt lick trail, lake shorelines, and the trail to the hilltop viewpoint.
Lake Mburo National Park is one of the three parks in Uganda hosting the Rothschild giraffe.


For excellent birding in Lake Mburo National Park’s, the walk through the acacia woodland and wetlands are unique bird spotting destinations with other 300 recorded bird species in the park. After your boat cruise, you can explore the park’s avian diversity in the comfort of your vehicle, biking, or on foot. And to make bird spotting simpler for beginners, the park has viewing platforms constructed within the Rubanda forest and by salt-licks.
Lucky birders will come across the prehistoric Shoebill in the Waruki and Miriti swampy valleys, and also, the trail to the Rwonyo jetty provides some great sightings. Common bird species include the Rufous-bellied heron, bateleur, black-bellied bustard, and the Lake Mburo endemic red-faced barbet.
Cycling in Lake Mburo, is favourable since the park has got less dangerous animals that can attack the riders. The buffalos are the only common and dangerous animals within the park but there is nothing to worry since you will be guided by armed ranger who ensures the safety of all his riders in case of any danger from animal attacks. Cycling is interesting and enjoyable experience to explore the whole park on bicycle and get to see different animal species.
Lake Mburo national park, has got well established cycling routes which provides smooth navigation and riding through the park. The routes go through the plain savannah grass lands, swampy valleys, forested hills, the activities are organised depending on one physical ability and interest. More experienced riders, can take through the hilly areas and other can ride through the savannah grassland, cycling us conducive and ideal for a family vacation as you both ride along each other.
The activity lasts for about 1-2 hours and it begins with the briefing from the ranger guide about the activity, the activity gives you the chance to ride along the savannah where you will see animals like Zebras among others and through the nearby villages where you will meet the locals going about their daily activities.
You are also required to carry some necessary essentials like light clothes for the activity, insect repellents, drinking water and some snacks, camera to capture epic moments, Binoculars for viewing distant birds and other attractions of your interest.

Accommodation facilities in Lake Mburo national park

For the luxury traveller that wants to immerse in exquisite wilderness amenities, Mihingo Lodge is a perfect choice for you as well Rwakobo Rock, Acadia Cottages, Mburo Eagle’s Nest, and Lake Mburo Safari Lodge provide accommodation at a mid-range facility serving both full board and half board basis.
For budget travellers, Hyena Hill Lodge in the west of the park, Rwonyo Rest Camp, and Lake Mburo Campsite provide comfortable accommodation facilities.
Include Boat Cruise on The Safari Itinerary
During your safari visit for mountain Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National, do include Lake Mburo national park to break up the long journey for a day or two for relaxation this allows guests to explore Lake Mburo through Boat cruise in the lake and view the stunning attractions the park offers. Other activities include a walking safari the wild savannah plain and get up high on the viewing platforms to enjoy the breath-taking landscape views and wide variety of animals and bird species in the park.
Whichever way you want to tailor your Uganda safari trip, our local safari experts will help you create a memorable holiday itinerary and explore your wild imagination of Africa. Send us an email or call us with our WhatsApp numbers included in our websites.

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